DBA stands for “doing business as” and is an official registration of your business name. In some states, this is referred to as a “fictitious business name” or “assumed” name. Most states require you to file a DBA if you are doing business under a name different than your legal name.
DBA registration is necessary if your company conducts any business and/or collects money under a name other than your own name. Also, banks generally require a DBA registration in order to open a business bank account. Open a bank account and collect checks and payments under your business name Start advertising on business cards, signs and your website.
Present your business professionally by collecting checks and payments under your business name.
Discourage others from registering your name by officially using your DBA.
DBAs are not just for sole proprietors. If you are a corporation or LLC and want to do business under a name different than your corporate name, you may be required to file for a DBA (fictitious business name).
A fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it is filed in the office of the County Clerk. A renewal of a fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to the date of expiration if you intend to continue doing business under that name and if there are no changes from the original.
Our business filing experts can help you save time by filing a DBA application for you. We file your DBA with the required government agencies, and even publish it in most states. You’ll receive the approval and publication certificate for your records.
Our account managers maintain the highest level of contact with all of the various authority agencies, which ensures our ability to process authority and permit applications with the greatest speed and accuracy to ensure compliance and operational status